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Tarawih Prep Seminar

Tarawih Prep Seminar

Published At: Tue 05 Mar 2024

Starts At: Sat 09 Mar 2024
Ends At: Sun 10 Mar 2024


ZJM/Habib Ul Quran Huffaz Tarawih Prep Seminar

With Ramaḍān a few weeks away, many of our ḥuffāẓ will be shouldering the responsibility of Imāmah and leading the Tarāwīḥ ṣalāh. 

Alḥamdulillāh Zakariyya Jaam'e Masjid and Habib Ul Quran organisation are  pleased to announce that InshāʿAllāh, on Saturday 9th March, Qari Saeed Makda sahib will be conducting a special seminar to prepare and educate the ḥuffāẓ so that they are able to adequately fulfill this responsibility.

Time: After Maghrib Salah (6:08pm)

The following topics will be covered: 

▪ Masāʾil related to Ṣalāh & Tarāwīḥ

▪ Taharah (self hygiene)

▪ Qira;ah (recitation)

▪ How to prepare

▪ Q & A

All ḥuffāẓ/ḥifẓ students are welcome. 

Food will be served to all participants.

Online registration is required:


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